Sunday, December 28, 2008

Israel's 'Dove'

Olmert's would-be replacement, Tzipi Livni, the so-called 'moderate' of Israel threatens Hamas leaders:

"Hamas is a terrorist organization and nobody is immune".

Actually, Livni, Hamas is Gaza's democratically-elected party, regardless of their outlandish policies against Israel.

It's bad enough that ordinary civilians are killed in the fallout of "shock and awe" air strikes, but now the future Prime Minister is creating a policy that accounts for any and all casualties? Is this a threat against ordinary civilians?

Friday, December 5, 2008

Why I Pray

because you never know
with that wheeze in between

that song

out of a vacuum
like a petal
curling out of a stillborn blossom

the great nothing
is coming
or going.